Sunday, October 17, 2021

FTM and DNA: Keeping track in your tree: Part 1 - Images

I like to do all my DNA research in my Family Tree Maker tree (FTM) and then sync to Ancestry.  This tree has become very large as I add potential lines of enquiry for DNA matches I have not yet linked to my own tree.  This series of posts is aimed at methods I employ to keep my DNA research organised and to help make me more productive when navigating my ever growing tree.  They are presented for use in FTM but can be utilised for all family history programmes.  There will be in 3 parts.

My confirmed pedigree is published to Wikitree, a free genealogical site that everyone can access, it provides many links you can send to your DNA matches from your tree.  The advantage of using these is that as it is a 'One World Tree' other researchers are continually adding to your branches and may just link up your match, without you needing to do anything!  You can view examples of my pedigree and other resources they provide by accessing these links:-

  • Standard pedigree - out to 2nd great grandparents, with images and embeddable links for further branches of ancestors or descendants.  Below the pedigree there are many more options for viewing the pedigree and ancestor lists, scroll to the bottom of the page to access them;
  • Compact pedigree - out to 5th great grandparents (254 ancestors - 6th cousin level).  Ideal to send to your DNA matches.


I have developed a range of images that I add to people in my tree, mostly for more distant ancestors or those not related to me.  For recent family, like most people I enjoy seeing an actual photo of them where they exist.  I find that these research images on other profiles helps me quickly remember why they are in my tree and their significance for what I am researching on any particular day.  I also use filters for this purpose (some of which are included in the following table). How I use these will be covered in Part 2.

Have some fun and develop your own images, or feel free to copy these for your own use.

Untitled Document

Image When used Filters DNA Citations
DNA Tester: DNA Matches of my family. Also used for ‘cousins, including distant cousins’ who we know have taken DNA tests, even if they don’t match my immediate family. DNA Status; DNA Testers; DNA Markers DNA Match; or DNA Contact
DNA Tentative: Connections identified between DNA testers >3rd cousins at AncestryDNA or not yet triangulated at chromosome analysis sites.; DNA Status; DNA Tentative - Ancestor or Couple DNA Tentative
DNA Confirmed (my direct line): Connections identified between me and my direct line ancestors when matches are 3rd cousins or closer at AncestryDNA or triangulated at chromosome analysis sites. DNA Status; DNA Confirmed - Ancestor or Couple DNA Confirmed: either ’Match 3C or closer’ or ‘Triangulated Group’.
DNA Confirmed (connections between others): Connections identified between matches and my direct line ancestors when matches are 3rd cousins or closer at AncestryDNA or triangulated at chromosome analysis sites. Also used for other identified sub groups, not on my direct line. DNA Status; DNA Confirmed - Ancestor or Couple DNA Confirmed: either ’Match 3C or closer’ or ‘Triangulated Group’.
Ancestor of a DNA Match: Used when starting research on a person of interest from a DNA match pedigree, when match is not in my tree. Unconnected to the main tree (hanging branch). Research Tree N/A
People identified as potential shared ancestors from researching a Triangulated Group or shared Match Cluster. Usually unconnected to the main tree (hanging branch). Research Tree DNA Cluster
People identified as connections between potential shared ancestors within a Triangulated Group or shared Match Cluster. Usually unconnected to the main tree (hanging branch). Research Tree DNA Cluster
Ancestors of matches identified as possible connections on the X inheritance path. Usually unconnected to the main tree (hanging branch). Research Tree N/A
Y-DNA Patrilineal line: Added to the male ancestral line of the Y-DNA tester and down the line to any confirmed matches via Y_DNA testing. DNA Status; DNA Confirmed DNA Confirmed: Y-DNA
mt-DNA Matrilineal line: Added to the female ancestral line of the mt-DNA tested and down the line to any confirmed matches via mt_DNA full sequence tests. DNA Status; DNA Confirmed DNA Confirmed: mt-DNA

Pedigree of Abigail Courtney 1871-1928

The following image shows how the pedigree of Abigail, my 2nd great grandmother, looks in my tree both in Family Tree Maker and synced to Ancestry.  You can easily identify which ancestors are DNA confirmed, only have tentative matches or no matches at all.

Potential shared ancestors and DNA matches

This final image shows how a shared ancestral couple from cluster research appears in my tree  in Family Tree Maker and synced to Ancestry.  You can easily see how DNA matches are connected to the shared ancestors, this can be helpful in considering potential lines of enquiry in your research.  In this case, whilst I might want the match to be on my Courtney line,  you can quickly see that it could be either Courtney, or O'Brien.

At times when analysing DNA match groups it will also be necessary to create similar trees in DNA Painter (WATO).  Utilising the features in FTM can save you time and provides a quick reminder of your analysis to date without needing to constantly create WATO trees for all your match groups.

Veronica Williams
17 October 2021