Table of Contents

This page documents all historical posts for the 'Genemonkey Explains' blogsite.  Ideally, posts should be read in order to assist in developing your DNA analysis skills.

  • DNA Research Framework Modules - Chromosome Analysis

  • Exercises to help build chromosome analysis skills
    • GEDmatch - Exercises to understand the difference between 'shared matches', 'overlapping vs shared segments' and 'triangulated segments'. First published 7 September 2021.
    • My Heritage:  Exercise to identify 'triangulated segments' and likely 'triangulated groups'.  First published 21 September 2021.
    • All Sites: Exercise designed to work across all DNA sites, utilising cross site comparisons to expand 'potentially' triangulated groups for research to find the MRCA.  First published 19 October 2021.
    • GEDmatch - Exercise to identify segments of a known ancestor and push back further generations (Part 1).  First published 13 July 2024.

  • Family Tree Maker and DNA
    • Keeping track in your tree : Part 1 - Images.  First published 17 October 2021.
    • Keeping track in your tree : Part 2 - Filters.  First published 26 January 2022.
    • Keeping track in your tree : Part 3 - Citations.  Practical Guide for DNA Source Citations, adapted for Family Tree Maker, February 2021.
    • Keeping Track of my DNA Analysis (Family Tree Maker, DNA using Filters) - Presentation for the Society of Australian Genealogists (You Tube) 2022.
    • Keeping Track in My Tree (DNA and Family Tree Maker) - Presentation for the Society of Australian Genealogists (You Tube) 2023.

  • More DNA Related posts can be found on my Wordpress Blog.  Other presentations associated with my family or Wikitree are also on YouTube refer to My Media Playlist.

You can contact me by using the contact form on this blog or sending me a private message via WikitreeAncestry or Facebook.